Academy Award-winning composer Hans Zimmer just branched out into unchartered territory.

  • @SulaymanF
    19 days ago

    Completely false. It’s a dictatorship that jails anyone who publicly disagrees with the government. MBS even locked up his own mother for criticizing his jailing of relatives. The people are NOT okay with it, thats like saying it seems like Saddam Hussein is popular because nobody wants to risk their lives speaking out.

    And no, there is nothing at all in Islam that supports a king. A caliph is elected.

    • @MothmanDelorian
      09 days ago

      Please provide a valid source that backs your claim. Please find any evidence for widespread support for a non-monarchal state.

      • @SulaymanF
        09 days ago

        You’re asking me to prove a negative.

        If it’s literally a capital offense to call for a different government, do you think people will freely admit to a pollster that they dislike the monarchy? Stop assuming that the dictator is actually popular.