Meloni heads Italy’s most rightwing government since the second world war. Italy’s criminal code punishes with a fine ranging from €1,000 to €5,000 anyone who “publicly defames the republic”, which includes the government, parliament, the courts and the army.

      • @nadir
        21 year ago

        Oh, going by the actual definition of fascism and calling fans of Mussolini fascist? How very fascist of you!

    • @Eldritch
      -71 year ago

      It’s possible they’re getting hung up on the fact that you are using the western, dumbed down Fisher-Price version of the political spectrum where both sides are capitalism.

      The actual political plot is a two-dimensional thing. Where left and right is defined by capitalism and socialism only. With a separate axis completely for social issues. Meaning that neo-libertarians, capitalists that favor social democracy, and authoritarians/fascist can all be equally far right. Likewise Authoritarian Leninists, social democracy favoring socialist/communist, true libertarian, and anarchist can all be equally far left. Despite all of them differing wildly on social issues.

      Though I definitely could be wrong and they could just be apologizing for fascist. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.

      • @EhList
        11 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @Eldritch
          -31 year ago

          Nothing is binary. Well outside of binary of course. Sometimes we can loosely quantize stuff in a useful manner with it but that doesn’t make things binary. Human gender and sex is not binary for example.

          Being authoritarian does not negate socialism or capitalism. If authoritarian states like China can be socialist. Authoritarian states like the KSA and USA can be capitalist. This is not a hard concept.

          Now it would be accurate to qualify that they are authoritarian first and economic system second. When it comes to authoritarian rule priorities are their wealth and power. Everyone and everything else comes second. They can straddle left and right easily. But that does not negate or abolish concepts of capitalism or socialism.

          • @EhList
            11 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • @Eldritch
              -51 year ago

              Because it’s laughably wrong and misguided. By that definition no center can exist. Which is obviously and observably patently wrong in every sense.

              Also left is not defined as communism. Left is defined as socialism. Communism especially big C communism or ML is an authoritarian socialist ideology. There are also non authoritarian socialist ideologies. Including other forms of non-state communism. I understand your misconceptions. Believe me as an American and someone raised in the west myself. We are all purposely miseducated on them. But no matter how comfortable it is. It is still incorrect and misinformation.

              For example let’s refer to a few of the ideologies that I mentioned before liberalism, Democratic socialist, and social Democrats. Democratic socialist exist and are pretty centrist. By your definition they do not exist. Yet they do exist. Social Democrats are to the left of Democratic socialists. But they are generally against ML communists. Which by your definition makes them not left. But social Democrats are also generally against capitalism. This does not make them fit under your left or right spectrum. This simply marks a gap in your understanding. And nothing more. Because they are solidly socialist. I hope this can help clear up the confusion for you.

              • @EhList
                11 months ago

                deleted by creator

                • @Eldritch
                  01 year ago

                  I’m literally not using a binary. I don’t know how many different times and how many different ways I have to state this. I literally said it’s not a binary. You are the one using the binary. You are the one that’s claiming centers cannot exist. When in truth the center is the only thing we really know absolutely exists. It’s the extents and the fringes that we are not 100% sure about. And just because something is center or centrist does not necessarily mean that it’s good. Nothing about what I’m saying isn’t eurocentric. It’s just not US centric.

                  • @EhList
                    11 months ago

                    deleted by creator

    • @Blamemeta
      -371 year ago

      From your article, “Yes to the natural family, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology… no to Islamist violence, yes to secure borders, no to mass migration… no to big international finance… no to the bureaucrats of Brussels!”

      So Western European far right,so centrist or even left wing everywhere else.

      It also seems shes distanced herself from fascists.

      • @EhList
        11 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @Blamemeta
          -91 year ago

          Seems she just wants closed borders? Am i missing something? Theres a couple articles that claim stuff, but with zero quotes to back it up.

          • @EhList
            11 months ago

            deleted by creator

      • • milan •
        91 year ago

        Anti LGBT, white supremacist, antisemitic. She also openly praised Mussolini when she was young and her party used fascist imagery. But when she had a vote of no confidence against her she said she’s not a fascist so it’s all good!