It’s just overall more fun bike to ride compared to my acoustic hard tail. It’s like driving a tank and it goes quite literally anywhere. The electric assist then helps just enough to make it not feel like you’re dragging a car tire behind you. I guess it’s also worth noting that I almost exclusively ride hiking trails. Where I live it tends to be quite wet most of the year too. Being able to float over mud-pits is rather useful.
Fat tires are far better in sand than any other kind of tire. Sand and snow is what they’re essentially designed for. Lowering down the tire pressure makes a huge difference too.
Whew! Thought I was way off in my thinking. Here in Florida, even the deep woods can get sandy. There’s one solid inch of topsoil, then it’s sand all the way to China.
Rarely and almost never by necessity. I needed the wide tires for snow originally but I’ve barely touched my other bike since.
Why? More comfort?
It’s just overall more fun bike to ride compared to my acoustic hard tail. It’s like driving a tank and it goes quite literally anywhere. The electric assist then helps just enough to make it not feel like you’re dragging a car tire behind you. I guess it’s also worth noting that I almost exclusively ride hiking trails. Where I live it tends to be quite wet most of the year too. Being able to float over mud-pits is rather useful.
Do those tires not work well in sand? That’s the #1 reason I’ve been looking for a fat tire electric.
Fat tires are far better in sand than any other kind of tire. Sand and snow is what they’re essentially designed for. Lowering down the tire pressure makes a huge difference too.
Whew! Thought I was way off in my thinking. Here in Florida, even the deep woods can get sandy. There’s one solid inch of topsoil, then it’s sand all the way to China.
And you currently have more snow than we do in Canada lol.
How do you find the traction?
I have studded tires for the snow.
I too have studded tires now. I made a thread about this a while back.
Snow is not an issue with tires like that. On ice the size doesn’t help a bit though, thus the studs.
Cool, I’ll look back to find that thread.