Well it’s not an overly inspiring photo, but then what white good is?

Purchased some time before 2000 this fridge survived a move from the outback to the city on the back of a cattle truck, along with cattle, a Simpson top loader and many other household effects.

In March 2022 it decided to stop cooling. I was away so the missus bought an Inalto fridge - quite similar to that red one that drove Technology Connections mental.

When I got back I took the old fridge apart to see if it was the thermostat that was sick. The tip had rusted off, letting out the gas that operates the bellows in the thermostat, so ordered and fitted a new one. Success. Kept it in the shed just in case.

Now the Inalto struggles to get below 11°C, so have dragged the Kelvinator out of storage and it’s back to full time duty again.

As for the Inalto, it’s freezing up at the top corner of the unit and only drawing 30 watts. Will do some research, but suspect it’s not fixable. At under three years old, that’s an exceptionally short life.

  • @I_Miss_DanielOP
    21 month ago

    Thanks :)

    This is a very basic model, no fans.

    The way it’s behaving - freezing in the corner, and drawing very little current - suggest some of the refrigerant has escaped I think. (Low amps at compressor, nothing to compress.)