I’ve never read any Anne Rice novels and don’t really have any nostolgia for the Interview With The Vampire movie. I’ll absolutely admit it’s a good movie, it’s just not the type of vampire story I typically enjoy. I guess I’m too low-brow and prefer vampire action/horror over the more introspective stuff. And I guess that’s why I probably won’t be posting anything here about Only Lovers Left Alive or Let The Right One In. I understand these are good (great?) movies, but they’re not for me.

Anyway, I’ve heard good things about the new Interview With The Vampire TV show. I’m curious if any of you have seen it and how you’d compare it to the movie. Is it any good? What’d they do differently from the movie? Does it follow the books more closely? If you haven’t seen it, here’s a trailer. You can currently watch it on Netflix or, if you have a US library card, on Hoopla. Or I guess on AMC+ if anyone has that.

  • Vaggumon
    71 month ago

    Movie 100%, I’m a big fan of her books, read the Vampire Chronicles multiple times over the years. Interview With The Vampire movie was very well done, she even wrote the screen play for it. The show is okay, but it changes quite a bit which I don’t mind so much usually, but some of it that got changed was very vital to the story. So IMO, the movie is far better then the show, the show is enjoyable though. Whatever you do though, don’t ever watch Queen of the Damned, it’s absolutely horrendous, and not as an adaptation, just as a movie in general.