Not really a question of national intentions. This is just a piece of technology open-sourced by a private tech company working overseas. If a Chinese company releases a better mousetrap, there’s no reason to evaluate it based on the politics of the host nation.
Throwing a wrench in the American proposal to build out $500B in tech centers is just collateral damage created by a bad American software schema. If the Americans had invested more time in software engineers and less in raw data-center horsepower, they might have come up with this on their own years earlier.
As a European, gotta say I trust China’s intentions more than the US’ right now.
Two times zero is still zero
Not really a question of national intentions. This is just a piece of technology open-sourced by a private tech company working overseas. If a Chinese company releases a better mousetrap, there’s no reason to evaluate it based on the politics of the host nation.
Throwing a wrench in the American proposal to build out $500B in tech centers is just collateral damage created by a bad American software schema. If the Americans had invested more time in software engineers and less in raw data-center horsepower, they might have come up with this on their own years earlier.
You’re absolutely right.
With that attitude I am not sure if you belong in a Chinese prison camp or an American one. Also, I am not sure which one would be worse.
They should conquer a country like Switzerland and split it in 2
At the border, they should build a prison so they could put them in both an American and a Chinese prison