After a volunteer confirmed an officer’s identity, they would alert neighbors to the agent’s presence, and our dispatch team would send a text message to our contacts in the area. ICE agents almost never carry judicial warrants giving them the authority to enter private homes or businesses without permission, so they often wait to make an arrest when the person they’re looking for leaves their home or car. And in every case we worked on, when the agents realized they were being watched, they abandoned their stakeout.

  • Drusas
    01 month ago

    I think you might have replied to the wrong person.

    • @voracitude
      1 month ago

      Why do you think that? You implied I’m a child because I didn’t get they were being sarcastic, didn’t you? I wasn’t trying to put any emotion into what I wrote, if you read that into it; just pointing out that it’s not unreasonable to miss sarcasm in writing on the Internet nowadays.