Astronomers have taken a crucial step in showing that the most massive black holes in the universe can create their own meals. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) provide new evidence that outbursts from black holes can help cool down gas to feed themselves.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Okay so the hot gases somehow create slightly cooler gasses, and these cooler gases travel into the centre of the black hole?

    Why does slightly cooler gas move yet hotter gas doesn’t? What force makes colder move more And what attracts it.

    • @Cocodapuf
      1 month ago

      The cool or hot aspect doesn’t really seem to matter. They seem to be describing a simple cycle. The black hole shoots jets of material outward, that material now in a vacuum naturally wants to diffuse and expand in every direction. Some of that material expands in a direction that gets it sucked back into the black hole and triggers the whole process all over again.

      I’m not clear if the cycle is self sustaining or if it loses energy over time. It may be that the gas being sucked in acts as a catalyst that results in shooting significantly more material outward, effectively sustaining the reaction indefinitely, but like I said, that aspect was not really clear from what I read.