I know why this is: it’s because my mom, the only family member that I was close with, smoked a whole bunch, and so I have positive childhood associations.

Whether it be the active smell of somebody who’s smoking nearby or the lingering scent that’s left or that sticks around in place where people smoke frequently, such as bars or hallways or similar, I like it a lot.

Yet even so, I was actually stunned when I found that there are very few people who agree, and many are the folks who think that it smells bad.

  • @CatZoomies
    31 month ago

    I never really think about the perspective that others like or enjoy the smell of tobacco. I’ve smelled Black and Mild before and that was tolerable enough, but still not appreciated.

    I dislike the smell. But I also actively avoid tobacco and others smoking, primarily for health reasons we’re all aware of. However, tobacco, marijuana, etc. smells are migraine-triggers for me. If I’m around it too long, I could spiral into a terrible migraine that takes days to recover where I’m bed ridden and vomiting for at least a day. Migraines be no fun.