So i have (i think) no mucical talent becasue in school i was always bad at music classes and was behind compared to others also i coudent stand all the noises going on. im not sure why but i wanted a keyboard pinao becasue i like the way they sound, once i got one i tried to have some folks teach me but i imeditly got overwhelmed by eveything that goes into playing an instument.

so by chance is there an affordbale instrument for beginner that can be worked on also what can one do once they learn an instument? is it just a skill to show off to others? i pretty much stink at everything but im trying to improve at life or my life more like it. i was thinking of writting songs or doing covers but im not entirly sure how that works.

my hobbys/interests often change often but thats normal (hopefully) and hopefully no one is getting annoyed by me.

  • pinwurm
    2 years ago

    Yeah. What’s cool about guitar is that there’s really no wrong way to play it.

    I’ve been playing for 15 years, and the way I pick is not going to be the same as the way my friends pick. Or, like - I have one friend whose left handed. But he doesn’t play a lefty guitar, he just plays upside down… without changing stringing (so his high notes are on top now). It’s weird, but he plays incredibly.

    Ukelele has some drawbacks. It’s a comparatively thin sound that doesn’t work well as an accompaniment for a lot of singing. It’s also much harder to go from Uke to Guitar than Guitar to Uke. It’s a bigger climb if you feel the range isn’t enough.

    A mini acoustic travel guitar could be a better alternative. Small fretboard so your hand doesn’t have to stretch as much.