Police say that the man had been intoxicated and began arguing with patrons inside the establishment, and that the dispute then spilled into the street. At some point in the melee, the aggressor’s pants fell down and his penis apparently became stuck to the ice. Somehow, though details were not specified, emergency personnel managed to detach him, relatively uninjured. He was subsequently arrested but not charged with a crime.

  • @Dasus
    41 month ago

    Oh I can completely see this happening in Finland as well.

    Have a guy drunk with a bad belt and loose pants, he tries to shove someone but overreaches, falls down on his face while his pants fall down.

    Hits his face while going down, passes out and people start looking/laughing. It’s like -20c outside so as soon as you touch ice or metal with a warm body part, you get stuck. And because he was unconscious he didn’t instantly move when he felt the ice hitting his dick, because he didn’t.

    Then paramedics come and use warm water/salt to get him off without tearing his dick too badly.

    Basic Friday.