Sometimes we use the other bathroom, same deal. I never find the lid down, she never finds it up.

I feel like this is some magic that should never be talked about openly, like we agreed without speech and discussing it would break something. Lived with many women, this has never happened.

I’m just being weird, aren’t I? I love her for it in any case.

EDIT: I wasn’t clear. I’m talking about the seat. We’re gross and don’t put the lid down when we flush. Yes, I’m aware that tosses bacteria around, don’t care. Unless one of us ends up with a compromised immune system, it’s not a big deal. And we pretty much never fall ill.

  • @AA5B
    1 month ago

    EDIT: I wasn’t clear. I’m talking about the seat

    Huge difference, thanks for clarifying. You have a real unicorn of thoughtfulness!

    Our house was definitely NOT that thoughtful.

    • we started normally: I left the seat up, she yelled at me that the seat must be down
    • that is entirely self serving: let’s compromise on always putting the LID down. Effort is equally on both of us, and we get a hygiene benefit
    • I put the lid down, she continues to only put the seat down, but no longer yells
    • she and kids repeatedly drop stuff in the toilet: forget hygiene, PUT THE GODDAM LID DOWN SO I DONT HAVE TO KEEP FISHING STUFF OUT OF THE TOILET