Sometimes we use the other bathroom, same deal. I never find the lid down, she never finds it up.

I feel like this is some magic that should never be talked about openly, like we agreed without speech and discussing it would break something. Lived with many women, this has never happened.

I’m just being weird, aren’t I? I love her for it in any case.

EDIT: I wasn’t clear. I’m talking about the seat. We’re gross and don’t put the lid down when we flush. Yes, I’m aware that tosses bacteria around, don’t care. Unless one of us ends up with a compromised immune system, it’s not a big deal. And we pretty much never fall ill.

  • @lovely_reader
    31 month ago

    You must not have the soft close feature. I hate standing around for 20 seconds waiting for the soft close seat to drop so I can pee (learned the hard way that if you force it, it wears out in a couple years). So that would probably have killed this little ritual as soon as she had to go twice before you came along to put the seat down for her. It would annoy you sometimes too I bet, unless you stand up to shit.

    Still, even though you don’t want to spoil the magic, maybe there are other ways to show affection, because (in order of importance):

    1. Farticles on every surface ew?
    2. It’s ugly to see straight into a toilet bowl when the bathroom is in view (and also very bad Feng Shui)
    3. Habit/muscle memory will likely lead her to leave toilet seats up when she is a guest elsewhere, which is kind of hilarious actually, but could be hilarious at her expense

    Admittedly, none of this is what you asked. But it’s weird how many people try to make toilet seats a fairness thing. If the lid is kept down, everyone has to take it from closed to open and back to closed again. Isn’t that fair?