i sent this text to my family group chat (which includes my father). my dad is a poverty MAGA with a wild fantasy about how to better enjoy his retirement.

  • @itsAsinOP
    1 month ago

    the following is a thread in six parts…

    1/yesterday, while riding in the truck with dad, he suggested that he might get an account on Twitter and plead Mr Musk to give him $100k. i thought maybe he was joking, but this suggestion was in earnest. dad, you are very close to the solution…

    2/1-tax the shit out of Musk. 2-apply that money to social programs which provide solutions to the basic needs of all Americans.

    3/dear dad. you are right that Musk has enough money that $100k is a pittance to him. you are right that you have needs that deserve to be met.

    4/you are wrong to imagine that capitalists will EVER give up their wealth willingly (even if you ask pretty please on Twitter).

    5/you are wrong to think that you are the ONLY person who deserves to have their basic needs met.

    6/welcome to “the struggle”, dad. ♥️