
I am currently doing an upper/ lower body split. So I do upper body monday, tuesday lower body, wednesday light cardio and so on.

While I don’t want to switch up things on lower body I want to learn to do pullups but I cant do them yet.

I am currently doing these for upper body:

  1. Pull ups (2x) and 8 negative pull ups
  2. Push ups
  3. Inverted rows (bodyweight)
  4. Back extension machine
  5. Biceps curls
  6. Triceps pushdowns

This I would do on monday. On thursday I’d just do lat pulldowns instead of pull ups and benchpress on the machine instead of push ups. On sunday I’d do some seated cable rows instead of Inverted rows with bodyweight… Maybe even do some back exercise with T-Bar and no inverted rows and no cable rows.

Is this a bad idea?

Wondering if I should just keep doing the same exercises and just increase weight? Seems easier, but it’s kind of boring to me.

  • @[email protected]
    51 month ago

    If what you’re asking is if it’s fine to not have identical upper body days within a week, then yes. There should be some consistency from week to week though.