Pretty much as the title says.

The wife and I are currently using Simplifi and it works well enough, but I’ve been hearing a decent amount about Monarch Money. Just curious if anyone here has tried both and why they prefer one vs the other. Even if you haven’t tried Simplifi, if you’ve used Monarch, I’d be curious your opinions of it!

  • @subtextOP
    11 month ago

    What features do you like best?

    • Shadow
      21 month ago

      It didn’t force me into any weird bucket systems and felt like it clicked naturally with how I budget. The app is nice and works well, creating rules is easy. I don’t really have anything to compare against, but it just all works for me.

      • @subtextOP
        11 month ago

        One thing that I thought I saw on the webpage is that you can create your own categories and have the app learn how you categorize things. One thing I dislike about Simplifi is it will NEVER categorize a transaction into one of your custom categories, only ever using a default one. Is that true for Monarch?

        • Shadow
          21 month ago

          No, you can make rules to do anything you want. I’ve never had to do anything too complex, I just set one transaction the way I want and then hit yes when it offers to make it a rule.