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A friend of mine wants to be more secure and private in light of recent events in the USA.
They originally told me they were going to use telegram, in which I explained how Telegram is considered compromised, and Signal is far more secure to use.
But they want more detailed explanations then what I provided verbally. Please help me explain things better to them! ✨
I am going to forward this thread to them, so they can see all your responses! And if you can, please cite!
Thank you! ✨
So on the push notification thing – If you get push notifications without using a third party push notification server, Apple and Google log the notifications and police can issue warrants for them. So IF for any reason you use Signal, make sure the contents of the message are turned off for Push Notifications.
The notification that goes through the Push server is empty. It simply tells Signal to check its own server. G and A don’t see the message content at all.
good call!