Welcome to Premier Season Two.

If you haven’t heard the news, here’s what’s new in Season Two. Vertigo is out, Train is in, the M4A4 is more… A4-dable… and we’ve tweaked the FAMAS.

Season Two runs from now through the Austin Major, at which point players who meet the requirements will be awarded a Premier Season Two Medal. The color will correspond to your highest CS Rating achieved during the season, and the bars will reflect your total wins, with one bar for every 25—up to five bars.

To earn your Premier Season Two Medal, you’ll need an account in good standing, 25 Premier match wins, and an active CSR at the end of the season.

Premier matchmaking is now open for business, so hit the queue and start racking up those wins!


Premier Season Two is here, and Premier matchmaking has resumed Every player who earned a CS Rating during Season One will receive a commemorative Premier Season One Medal which includes detailed Season Statistics Every player will have their CS Rating recalibrated based on their Season One performance, and will need to re-establish their CS Rating by winning 10 matches Train has been added to the Active Duty map pool Vertigo has been removed from the Active Duty map pool


M4A4 price reduced to $2,900 FAMAS accuracy improved and price reduced to $1,950 Reduced crouching accuracy for the MP9, MP5-SD, and MP7 Adjusted scope dot on AUG/SG to be more useable at range

[ UI ]

Added a new radar dynamic zoom option that will grow or shrink the radar to include your team mates, bomb and other detected elements Adjusted grenade order in spectator UI to match weapon selection order Increased brightness of carried C4 in UI

[ MAPS ]

Train Removed a boost angle from Long Dog to Bombsite A Fixed lighting artifacts on double-sided materials

[ MISC ]

Added fallback logic to allow playing incomplete demo files, either copied from an ongoing live match or recovered after a game server crash Fixed an exploit where users could use secondary fire on R8 Revolver and then sell it back Counter-strafe summaries are now available in game server log data distributed via log address in addition to console logs

  • @ExcursionInversionOP
    11 month ago

    maybe for spray control? Who knows lol will be fun to watch the impact this has

    • kate
      21 month ago

      i would like to see an option to set loadouts per map