I mean… I kinda get it, but nowadays it’s starting to get absurd.

(EDIT: This was supposed to be a “blow air out my nose and get on with my life” meme…)

  • @mohammed_alibi
    71 month ago

    There’s definitely very low Asian-American solidarity. The worst bullying I experienced was from a group of Korean American kids in middle school. They would say terrible things to me and call me the c***k word. That hurt the most and I can never forget that experience. Once I hit puberty and grew bigger (I’m pretty muscular) no one messed with me anymore.

    There were some mean kids of other races, but most people regardless of race (include Asians) are nice. I’ve been in the US for almost 40 years now and as an adult I’ve never experienced any direct racism towards me and I live in a red state (but in a big city). There are some people that didn’t feel pleasant to be around with, but luckily as an adult I can choose who to be with and who to avoid.