• @[email protected]M
    1 month ago

    I’m assuming the helicopter was operating under VFR

    They were, that’s been confirmed.

    With few clouds at 1100 feet and visibility of better than 10 statute miles, the helicopter should have been able to see an airliner with position lights, strobes and landing lights on, even if the airliner couldn’t see the helicopter.

    Yeah. Looking down, presumably through the floor of the aircraft, and seeing the lights of the helicopter against the dark backdrop and all of the different stationary and flashing lights that is Washington DC, would have been totally impossible.

    Why the helicopter didn’t see the airplane after being specifically advised of that specific aircraft, I don’t know, but like I say, shit happens sometimes. Maybe he heard the radio message but just didn’t know up from down at that exact moment and was working on it. Maybe they saw a different airplane and thought it was that one. Maybe they saw it, but had trouble maneuvering away from it and a few seconds’ delay was all it took. The news did mention that it was a training flight, so the helicopter pilot fucking up is extra possible even above the possible that it already was.

    the tower should have been able to see both aircraft visually

    Wouldn’t it be pretty unusual for the controller that was talking to them to be looking anywhere other than their radar? Maybe if someone was staring out the window right at that specific situation right at that specific time, they might have seen it coming, but I don’t think that’s the usual behavior at all times for the person who’s talking with the pilots. It being at night and super-low so the lights of the helo can blend in confusingly with the backdrop lights just adds more unlikeliness.

    Why they didn’t see the collision about to happen on radar is a separate question, but like you said, they were low to terrain.


    Does TCAS get disabled below certain altitudes or close to the runway? I know EGPWS does, which has caused some accidents in the past. Presumably, the TCAS isn’t squawking at you while you’re taxiing that you’re about to hit the next aircraft in front of you, so when does it get cut off? I have no idea, I’m just speculating.

    So. Why did all these things simultaneously fail? Why was the helicopter even close to the approach path in the first place, they were apparently in radio contact with the tower, why were they allowed anywhere near there? Why did they fail to maintain visual separation from other traffic given warnings from ATC? Why did surveillance radar, TCAS and ADS-B, all of which should have been working, fail to prevent the collision?

    This question I have no idea. My guess is that there’s no unified explanation, it was just a confluence of failures of a bunch of different things that each could have prevented it, and people just got really unlucky which happens sometimes. But that’s purely just uninformed speculation as to the answer to a pretty good question.

    Edit: Oh, I completely missed this:

    Do you have a source for this?

    I’m a pilot, I’m familiar with these systems and how they work.

    That wasn’t quite my question. You said the helo was invisible to TCAS / radar / etc, and I interpreted that as meaning it was some kind of special helicopter that was, well, invisible to radar. Now that I’m reading it in context, I get the point that you were making, but I took it seriously initially, as meaning it was some kind of military technology involved making it harder to see on radar or something.

    • Captain Aggravated
      11 month ago

      TCAS systems will stop issuing RAs (verbal instructions to the pilots, such as ASCEND ASCEND) below 1,000 feet AGL so that it doesn’t steer anyone into terrain. I’ve never flown an aircraft equipped with TCAS, but it is my understanding that it would be switched to standby mode after taxiing off the runway, as you do with a Mode C transponder.

      • @[email protected]M
        11 month ago

        Got it, that makes sense.

        So yeah, in that case my official prediction for the way it will have turned out to have happened is:

        1. Airplane sees helicopter - No way.
        2. Helicopter sees airplane - Pilot fucked up.
        3. Radar - Too low to terrain.
        4. TCAS - Too low.
        5. ADS-B - Could be one of the aircraft’s equipment wasn’t operating / present, or could be ATC fucked up. They could have just been looking at something else, doing their job in the busy airspace, and not seen two little dots out of dozens of others on their screen that were getting too close to each other. They’d also done everything they needed to do to very formally pass responsibility off to the helo pilot, so they’re allowed to preserve their mental bandwidth for other situations at that point, and it’s the pilot’s job to avoid the crash.
        • Captain Aggravated
          11 month ago
          1. Airplane sees helicopter. Should have been possible several minutes before the collision, the airplane was approaching from the south-southeast and the helicopter from the North, at some point they were a couple miles apart and should have been able to see each other. Air traffic control should have known about both of them from the time they were at least 10 miles apart. It’s not like one of them suddenly pulled into traffic from behind a bus. The airliner would have been on an IFR flight plan and probably mostly heads down, and there’s a good chance the helicopter would have been lost in the city lights.

          2. The crew of the helicopter has no excuse for missing a CRJ-700 with all it’s lights on against the black night sky after ATC told them where it was. The jet would have been at their 11 o’clock slightly high,

          3. Maybe, I’ve spent no time in a TRACON or tower to tell you exactly what they can and cannot see, all I know is I’ve heard “radar contact” several thousand times in my life.

          4. Too low for TCAS to verbally tell them to swerve; it probably still showed the relative position of the helicopter, unless one or the other wasn’t switched on.

          5. I kinda wonder if the helicopter wasn’t running ADS-B. ADS-B is not encrypted (because good luck with that) so there are privacy/security concerns with it. Unlike Mode A or C transponders which only broadcast a 4-digit octal code, ADS-B sends information about the aircraft, it’s how people are able to track Elon Musk or Taylor Swift’s jets. This graphic from Wikipedia gives an ADS-B derived flight path for the jet, and an “MLAT” track (whatever that is) and an “approximate flight path” for the helicopter, so it’s possible it wasn’t transmitting ADS-B because military. Which would undermine the effectiveness of anti-collision systems a bit, no?

          They’d also done everything they needed to do to very formally pass responsibility off to the helo pilot,

          An aircraft operating under VFR is always responsible for collision avoidance anyway. It is my understanding that the electronic systems like radar and ADS-B have systems that will sound an alarm if aircraft get too close to bring the very busy controller’s attention to a critical situation. I wonder if this happened. Either way if you’ve got two aircraft getting that close to each other a half mile from the runway it’s time to look out the window, that’s why the tower is a tower.

          They’re going to find the main contributing factor to the crash is pilot error on the part of the helicopter’s PIC. Why none of the other systems worked either is going to be an interesting read.