Hi everyone, absentee mod here! Looking to not be so absentee going forward.

When this magazine was kicked off, it was essentially cloned from the SquaredCircle subreddit. However, a lot of rules there were put in place because of the immense volume of traffic – the sub needed curation to weed out a bunch of meh posts and those who were karma-seeking. But we don’t need to mirror that, and in fact, it may be better to open the doors a bit so that more people feel comfortable posting new threads.

We wouldn’t be looking to change the rules related to civility, trolling, hate speech, or spoilers. But feel free to leave your feedback on your thoughts on these other rules:

  • Derailing a thread: I’m not sure that rule is needed – if the conversation becomes uncivil, that’s its own rule broken.

  • Low effort: we’re not enforcing this much now as it stands with low volume, but give your thoughts on post quality concerns. Personally I wouldn’t want to keep single responses that are easily found on a Google search, but beyond that, where to draw the line?

  • Memes: some people love that r/SC didn’t allow them and kept them contained to another subreddit. Do you have thoughts on memes?

  • Not related to wrestling: we could change this definition. Politics are allowed on r/SC. Personal photos with wrestlers are not. Where would you like to see the line drawn?

  • Clickbait/vague titles: do you want to see those continue to be removed? This somewhat falls under the quality discussion.

  • Sexualized content: I don’t see this changing (as in, none) but hey, let your thoughts known

  • Sources: I think we should keep the same sources banned as on r/SC because they have harassed and doxxed users in the past – they’re banned for everyone’s benefit. The other rule was “link to the primary source” instead of an article/tweet quoting another article, with the exception being original transcripts of podcasts. Any thoughts on this?

  • Any rules we don’t have but should?

Feel free to voice any other opinions (I know there have been conversations about mods in general, I’m working on that) but moderating starts with rules, so let’s hear your thoughts!

  • @ItsWizardTime
    11 year ago

    Derailing - hasn’t happened and unless we get brigaded I don’t see it happening but if it’s consistently done by someone or offensive yeah that’s gotta get handled. (can we call it invaded? Feels more attitude era)

    Low Effort Tricky … Sometimes I want to have a conversation with wrestling fans. If I asked everyone what move they feel should be banned, is that low effort? Also unless it’s a black and white fact like someone’s height, or place of birth and it doesn’t spur conversation than it’s just a step above spam IMHO. Is it wrong to say I can’t explain it but I know it when I see it? Like asking what Kurt Angle got his gold medal for in the Olympics… Vs asking why no one talks about how Scott Hall was HUGE. One gets a one word answer the other starts a whole conversation about our perceptions vs reality.

    Memes People seem keen on limiting this to a set day or in its own space of sort. A set Meme thread on a set day would be cool. At the end of the month we could have a tournament of the top 16 memes and see what was the best of the month?

    Not Related to Wrestling Wrestling gets political sometimes…if it’s topical and civil sure…

    Pics of wrestlers, if it’s just; “Hey I saw Goldberg ordering food…pic

    That doesn’t illicit conversation If it’s

    “I was at a steakhouse and Keith Lee had a 128 oz steak and 2 other plates and it actually looked small in front of him I asked if I could take a pic and he obliged”

    I could see people reacting to that and starting conversations.

    Click bait/Titles This 47 yr old 4x champion says they want ONE MORE SHOT at…

    I feel like we are just better than this and we shouldn’t be supportive of sites that do this.

    Sexualized Content NO

    I don’t want to have to worry about what I see on here and who sees what I see on here. People come here during down time at work etc and it’s a lot easier to say sorry I was just reading the results of a match last night, than to say sorry but…dem plots. I feel like it will also keep the creep factor down.

    Sources Is there any other real source aside from Simon Miller? But seriously new community, staff at sites change etc. If we open it up but put a hard stance and ban at the first new offense or put in a 3 strikes rule, that’s still strict but more lenient than what we have now.

    For me, the most important guiding principles should ultimately be;

    Does this get people talking in a constructive manner?

    Does this help out community grow?

    If it’s no to both of those questions than we don’t need it, and it shouldn’t be here.