I’m retired so I fill my days doing whatever I want. But I’m always interested in what other people would do if they had more free time.

  • @[email protected]
    38 days ago

    This hit a little too close for me. I felt this way when I was in the military. It’s important to remember to slow down for your own sake. Civilization is getting faster but I think the individuals need to take pauses to regroup and gather their thoughts.

    I tend to go on walks in the woods or beach or some other nature backdrop. Find out what works for you, but sometimes just taking time to pause and look around is enough for your brain to workout problems behind the scenes.

    Sorry you feel empty sometimes. I do too. I think that feeling is a natural response to the world we are living in. That’s why I need time to slow down.

    • @[email protected]
      8 days ago

      Thanks for sharing your similar feelings and what you do. Walking in nature doesn’t make me feel not empty but it certainly is a more enjoyable way to feel that way! I agree with slowing down. I use too much tech