The box never clarifies what the difference between “floating” and “flying” is, but surely he doesn’t need both.

Even so, the unicorn charm might be the weak link of the bunch. The world is already colorful. Get a job, unicorn.

  • @[email protected]
    58 days ago

    Teleportation also makes flying unnecessary.

    Floating may still be a good idea if he teleports into the air and doesn’t want to immediately come crashing down.

    He could just continuously teleport himself to his target location to effectively float, but teleportation probably uses more resources than floating, so maybe it’s an efficiency thing.

    • isaacdOP
      88 days ago

      General Mills needs to clarify the exchange rate between Red Balloons and Rainbows. The people demand it

    • @[email protected]
      48 days ago

      I wonder if teleporting resets momentum.

      If not; continuously teleporting back to the same location in the sky, you’re just going to keep picking up vertical speed.

      When you eventually stop teleporting, all that built up momentum has to go somewhere… Hope you’ve got some real strong ankles.