The box never clarifies what the difference between “floating” and “flying” is, but surely he doesn’t need both.

Even so, the unicorn charm might be the weak link of the bunch. The world is already colorful. Get a job, unicorn.

  • @[email protected]
    41 month ago

    So this leprechaun guy needs all these things to have a great magical life, but you take them all off him and eat all of them for breakfast, leaving him with a depressing colourless, magic-free world?

    Are we the baddies?

    • @Tangent5280
      21 month ago

      He is a tyrant and his name is unspeakable in wider folklore world. The last time he came to power he slaughtered countless innocents based on his whims and pleasures. Many of the freedom fighters that liberated his palatial fortress came out changed men - they forbade the younger fighters from going into the palace, burned both palace and the grounds down, turned the entire compound to rubble, and never spoke of what they saw even in the ensuing trials of his servants.

      Every one of the freedom fighters who had the misfortune of going in and beholding his works have subsequently committed suicide in the ensuing years - every one of them down the last man.

      May the winds of time erase his accursed name from living memory!

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        This is brilliant. If this was genuinely part of their advertising, I’d probably start eating it, to protect my family from his tyranny :D