I’m still amazed nobody made more noise about the fact she wasn’t charged.

One can only possibly wonder why the usual suspects complaining about two tier policing and people getting away with crimes (even when convicted with lengthy sentences, yeah makes no sense) when they should be punished didn’t seem too bothered about this.

  • @FourPacketsOfPeanuts
    1 month ago

    The whole thing seems incredible.

    How is “oh it was epilepsy” a defence when you’ve never had an epileptic fit before? No history of it.

    You’ve all seen a million YouTube videos of someone panicking and hitting the accelerator when they meant the brake. Unfortunately far far more likely than “invisible epilepsy”.

    I can’t believe they didn’t charge her (first time round).

    She was probably haring it along Camp Road (as well-to-do Chelsea tractor types are known to do). And completely fails to take the right hand bend properly. This leads directly into the school playground.

    Or, by some miracle, are we to believe that, of all the moments for it to happen, InViSiBlE ePiLePsY struck at the exact point where someone driving too fast might lose control?

    Pls… shame on the CPS…

    Edit: if this is a defence that works then EVERY TRAFFIC DEATH where someone wasn’t paying attention could be defended on exactly the same terms. “It was mysterious epilepsy”. Crown prosecution: “well… can’t prove it wasn’t. Guess there’s nothing for us to do here”. ffs… it’s nonsense. Does she know someone influential or something…