• @halcyoncmdr
    9330 days ago

    I remember even as a kid hearing about all the backlash from restaurants about smoking bans. How they’d have no customers, etc. And none of that happened. It’s the first time I realized that a lot of business owners are idiots, that having a seemingly successful business doesn’t even require understanding the business or customers.

    • @SlopppyEngineer
      4130 days ago

      Then came Kitchen Nightmares and the like on TV to erase any doubt that these were well run businesses behind the scenes.

    • Gabe BellOP
      2930 days ago

      Pubs were also whining a lot about how they would be on the breadline before the year was out.

      Don’t know what it’s like round your way, but the pubs in my town are still pretty busy.

      • @glimse
        1929 days ago

        I can at least understand why a pub owner would be concerned - smoking and drinking often go hand-in-hand. I can see why they thought people would be less likely to stay and drink if they had to leave to smoke. But restaurants got no such sympathy from me, keep your nastyass smoke away from my food

        • Optional
          1029 days ago

          “Do you mind if I smoke?”

          No, do you mind if I fart? It’s . . . just a habit I picked up.

          -Steve Martin

        • @glimse
          229 days ago

          Such an incredible show.

    • @Duamerthrax
      829 days ago

      My local dinner has taken a bigger hit after installing a bunch of tvs playing Fox News constantly than they did from any smoking ban.