The Authoritarian Market Playbook
verfassungsblog.deFor more than a decade, lawyers and political scientists have extensively studied the “authoritarian playbook” – the instruments, methods and processes used by autocrats such as Hungary’s Viktor Orbán to capture established democracies. However, so far, the impact of autocratic economic governance on the rule of law has been surprisingly underexplored in the legal field. The respective electoral wins of Donald Trump in 2016 and 2024 illustrate that economic policies are often at the heart of authoritarian actors’ electoral success and ideological goals. Even more so, this is certainly true for Hungary, as Orbán’s political regime is deeply rooted in crony state capitalism and institutionalized corruption.
were the democrats not also authoritarian? its curious that from a democrat’s perspective, only republicans can be authoritarian… from republicans POV, only democrats… its all a bit convenient. the united states is increasingly an authoritarian state. and from what i understand, germany is having some fresh issues as well in that regard.