As the title says, I just started with linux mint and am falling in love with bash scripts 😍 Actually I’m not sure if it’s considered a script, but I want to delete the last 2 files in all subfolders in a folder. So far I’ve (after great effort) got the terminal to list the files, but I want to delete them. Here is how I get them listed:

for f in *; do ls $f | tail -n 2; done

All their names come satisfyingly up in the terminal. Now what? I tried adding | xargs rm but that didn’t delete them. I also tried something with find command but that didn’t work either. Some folders have 3 items, so I want to delete #2 and 3. Some folders have 15 items so I want to delete #14 and 15. Folders are arranged by name, so it’s always the last 2 that I want to delete.

It’s frustrating to be sooooo clooooose, but also very fun. Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: Thanks for the awesome help guys! The next part of this is to move all the .html files into one folder (named “done”), prepending their name with an integer. So far I got:

n=1; for f in *; do find ./"$f" -type f | sort | xargs mv done/"$n$f"; n=$((n+1)); done

but that is… not really doing anything. The closest I have gotten so far is some error like

mv: Missing destination file operand

Any help is again appreciated!

    • Hanrahan
      41 month ago

      Haha. I used to wite long and intricate BATCH files for MS DOS to automate all sorts of shit back in the 1990s. Bash is more powerful but much the same thing.

      I’ve written a few tiny ones but I’m too old for that shit these days :)

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        My work is all windows based, I only put on the Linux hat while I’m at home. Powershell is fun when it’s not broken and my commands don’t shit the bed

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      I’ve been “daily driving” Linux for over 15 years, and I’ve learned a lot about configuration files, but I’ve never learned how to program anything. Couldn’t write a “for loop” to save my life.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        I think config files, yaml, and xml are reasonable pieces of code. I think program scripting is absolutely unreasonable fluff.