• @Rhoeri
    11 month ago

    Wow… are you a parody account?

      • @lennybird
        1 month ago

        Liberals didn’t elect Trump, fascist, though. Does not compute.

        Liberals also got the Civil rights Act of 1964 passed in Congress, despite MLK’s prior Birmingham letter.

        To equate American Democratic liberalism of today to German parties of the 1930s… Yeesh.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Liberals also got the Civil rights Act of 1964 passed in Congress, despite MLK’s prior Birmingham letter.

          ahahaha liberals HATED MLK, he is only considered a popularly liked relatively uncontroversial political figure because leftists beat down the doors of liberals who would have rather plugged their ears and let the status quo continue indefinitely while telling black men football isn’t the right place to ask for empathy for black lives as that is political and sports aren’t…

          Imagine if Bernie Sanders was black, even more radical and you lived during a time that being centrist meant at a minimum being pretty damn racist…

          • @lennybird
            1 month ago

            And yet.

            … Wait for it…

            Liberals actually got laws passed.

            Now tell me — just for contrast — what did the conservatives of the time do when those same “leftists” beat down their doors…? That’s right: laughed at them if they didn’t lynch them.

            Welcome to your first lesson in Pyrrhic Victories vs. Pragmatic Progress.

            (And by the way, since you raised Bernie Sanders… With whom does he caucus with >90% of the time? And which ticket did he run as President under… Twice?)

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              Now tell me — just for contrast — what did the conservatives of the time do when those same “leftists” beat down their doors…? That’s right: laughed at them if they didn’t lynch them.

              …and centrists were ok with it until they got scared enough of people like Malcolm X to take MLK’s vision seriously and stop laughing as black civil rights leaders got lynched and murdered.

              It is white “moderates” i.e. that kept saying now is not the time and that is the wrong tone until leftist, worker movements forced it to be the right time.

              • @lennybird
                1 month ago

                It. Does. Not. Matter.

                The only thing that matters is that those evil centrists were the ones to actually LISTEN… To change the laws. To move the boulder of progress forward.

                If it was that easy, then why didn’t the southern conservatives get scared into submission?

                At the end of the day, MLK Jr., worked with those evil-doer centrist liberals — NOT the conservative southern lynchers and the KKK. If you don’t believe me, just overlap a map of modern red states with the confederacy with the 1964 Voting Rights Act YES and NO Votes.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  My point is centrists folded because it became ideologically and politically the path of least resistance because civil rights activists, leftists and radicals created those conditions and made ignoring them no longer possible (which is what centrists almost by definition always want to do).

                  • @lennybird
                    01 month ago

                    And my point is — Why didn’t Conservatives of the time fold?

                    I’m not sure what you think I’m arguing about, but the only thing that matters is that Liberals were the gateway through which progressive activism found a voice. After all, there wasn’t a single leftist in Congress at the time.

                    So thank a liberal for at least being capable of being pressured when a conservative at the time could not be.

          • @lennybird
            1 month ago

            I didn’t mention Trump

            Who gives a fuck — I did. They didn’t mention Hitler; yet you brought him up, didn’t you, buddy? Liberals did not elect Trump, fascist.

            No, Liberals did not caucus for Trump. Before going further back to the 1930s, perhaps learn more recent history? Overextending your confidence past your knowledge is called ignorant arrogance. Self-identifying liberals in America did not elect Trump, fascist. I’ll await your exit-polling data to prove otherwise. Good Luck.

            Why do you keep discussing other nations? lol. Yeah… America bad, but boy, your nations sure did immigrate to here en-masse (Do I need to teach you a lesson in history regarding Ellis Island?) to create the “Melting Pot of the World,” huh buddy? Which is fine, I’m not opposed. But it’s amusing to hear you try to drive wedges among allies in an obviously very Pro-Kremlin Talking-Points fashion.

            Anyways. Bad Troll.

            • @[email protected]
              -41 month ago

              Nope, this discussion is over since I hit your censor and have violated us law on misinformation.

              • @lennybird
                1 month ago

                Speaking of censorship, just tell me really quickly:

                • Was The Tienamen Square Massacre real and an inhumane response by the CCP, despite Chinese censorship?

                • Do you agree the CCP’s actions against Uyghurs and Tibetan is inhumane and cruel?

                • Also, do you agree Putin probably secretly dresses as a Gay Clown despite such imagery being censored in Russia?

                • Do you agree Russia’s aggressive offensive preemptive invasion of Ukraine is a war crime and attemptes Genocide?

                • Do you agree Kim Jung Un is morbidly obese and their entire country is regressive and oppressed?

                Edit: Hahah they ran away but DM’d me saying, “Enjoy fascism. Since you find it preferable to freedom.” LOL. Wtf?