Feel free to also elaborate on life goals that you have achieved or failed to achieve, and how/why that happened!

  • IcebladeOPM
    21 month ago

    To answer my own question - I’d like to raise children of my own some day. To give them the chance to find their own passions and live on in a world hopefully better than my own. To share in the joys of curiosity that children have, and hopefully nurture that to remain into adulthood.

    I don’t know if I can achieve that. There’s a lot that needs to be done to provide a stable living in this day and age - I myself need to grow, get the skills and means to provide, and also find a partner with similar ambitions.

    Getting through to university was an achievement I suppose, but it feels all to easy to stumble and fail anywhere along the way. The world keeps moving, doesn’t care at all if I fall off.