I’d like to move off from the shackles of the Google menace and transferring my Gmail related accounts over including steam but I’d like some solid advice of any well regarded and better alternatives (including open source if that is possible)

I did search but was unsure of what was best as I did hear some shoddy things about Proton.

Do you know anything that could be the “aegis 2fa” of email providers?

Thank you and have a good day/night.

  • @kitnaht
    31 month ago

    no email is ever safe from being read either by the sending server or the receiving one

    Which is why you should learn to set up PGP

    • Libb
      141 month ago

      Which is why you you and your recipient (which makes it a lot more difficult) should learn to set up PGP

      • @kitnaht
        230 days ago

        So it sounds like, we need a push for someone to set up a system that makes that easier to do; like Let’s Encrypt! did for SSL certs.

        • Libb
          330 days ago

          Indeed. That’s kind of what Tuta, Proton and others are trying to do alas without worrying much about being compatible with one another.