
Thousands of Germans protested the CDU/CSU party for collaborating with the far-right AfD to pass anti-immigration legislation.

The move, seen as a breach of a post-war taboo against extremist parties, sparked outrage and accusations of making AfD extremism socially acceptable.

The CDU/CSU argues the legislation is necessary due to concerns about immigration and recent attacks by individuals who should have been deported.

  • @Dozzi92
    51 month ago

    Don’t worry, they’ll have America on their side this time.

    Not the greatest timeline to be living in right now.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      Don’t worry, they’ll have America on their side this time.

      And Russia too. Things are looking dark for Europe if things keep heading this way. And I’m still not sure what side China would take in the occasion there is a WW3, or if they would just decide to stay neutral and foster their economy while North America, Europe, and Russia just destroy each other.