Thousands of Germans protested the CDU/CSU party for collaborating with the far-right AfD to pass anti-immigration legislation.
The move, seen as a breach of a post-war taboo against extremist parties, sparked outrage and accusations of making AfD extremism socially acceptable.
The CDU/CSU argues the legislation is necessary due to concerns about immigration and recent attacks by individuals who should have been deported.
Why are you putting words in my mouth? You picked one group of protesters. One.
So did you. You picked one. I picked one.
You felt that Americans can learn something from European protesters, but I don’t know what you’re saying the big difference is. The BLM protesters faced violence and extreme retribution, but were still out there continuously, living, sleeping… why are the Europeans better?
I picked a continent. They weren’t cowed by munitions. They knew potential consequences. They also knew the consequences of milquetoast protests.
All true of American protests. In Atlanta they’ve even been labeling protesters as domestic terrorists. That comes with huge consequences and they still go out there.