• @Yggnar
    -11 month ago

    So I agree that food in the US is 100% run by monopolies. Just look at Tyson. What I’d like a source for though personally, is your claim that these monopolies have “had it in the playbook for thirty years” to punish voters for not voting Republican. That specific part is the aspect that I think you actually need to source. It’s quite a claim.

    • @frog_brawler
      1 month ago

      Well you’re a different person than who I initially replied to, but that’s ok. I don’t have a source for my claim that this has been in the playbook for 30 years (really I meant since Reagan, so 40 would have been more accurate), similar to how I don’t have a source for the claim that media paid for and created by and for capitalistic interest is not likely to accurately or fairly paint truly leftist viewpoints. Things will always be painted to say “see, look how great capitalism is; and look how bad socialism is!” It’s one of those logical conclusions one should arrive at when considering an oligarchy bordering on feudalism. Just like the media propaganda of “see how great capitalism is” refuses to acknowledge any counter-point, the same tactic has been used over and over again on questions of the economy and executive branch with who’s in power at the time of the question being asked.

      One can easily arrive at the conclusion that companies standing to earn higher profits by cutting regulations, busting unions, and squeezing people for basic necessities (all things the Republicans love doing), would make decisions that try to sway or influence voters based on swings in the left or right wing of our right-wing government. You want people to vote for the candidate that will de-regulate and make things easier for your business four years from now… blame the rising cost of goods on the party that’s trying to regulate you and make things more difficult for your business interests; bonus if you can collect more money while doing so.

      Capitalism is fucking disgusting.

      • @Doomsider
        11 month ago

        Thanks for all that. I would not bother responding to these guys after an initial comment because I sense they are just being disingenuous.

        • @Yggnar
          11 month ago

          I was being completely sincere actually. Not sure what is so offensive about asking for someone to back up a claim like that.

      • @Yggnar
        01 month ago

        I get where you’re coming from, but idk man, it’s not that hard to buy a democratic senator to vote the way you want. I think simply assuming that every corporation is pushing for Republicans, and is targeting Democrat voters is probably a slippery slope, but that said I get that in the US corpos tend to suck regardless of which side of the isle they have decided to purchase. It’s a shame you didn’t have any more concrete sources though, that kind of claim you made earlier would be fun to throw around if I were able to back it up lol. As it is, personally I doubt that the rising prices are due to anything beyond corporate greed alongside several external factors like bird flu and eggs in CO being required by law now to be cage free.

        • @frog_brawler
          1 month ago

          No one is targeting democratic voters specifically. It’s all voters.

          When you say “buying a democrat” it leads me to believe that you’re interpreting the Democratic Party as the option on the left; it’s really just another right wing option. Leftism is not represented in the US at all.

          Most corporations absolutely do prefer Republican policy; it allows them to get away with more bullshit.

          What kind of “concrete” evidence do you need? There’s a history of everything I am saying. I don’t need to beat up Nick Siriani and steal a copy of the Eagles playbook to know the tush-push is in there. I see them run the play in most games they play.

          Also, and on a different note, the “eggs in Denver” story is also kinda dumb and misleading, like a lot of the national news regarding things that happen in Colorado (let’s talk about the Venezuelan gangs in Aurora) and more specifically the Denver area. I live about 45 minutes north of Denver. When I go to the grocery store, there’s like 10 different egg options and the “cheap” eggs were like $6.50 about a month ago. The expensive eggs were $12 IIRC. 🤷‍♂️