Also, this cat is absolutely destroying my thigh by making biscuits on it. But I’m really strong and loving, and I never have insane reactions to mild situations regardless of the state of the chemical balance in my brain or any external factors, nor do I lie or speak facetiously and with hyperbole.

For I am a dull man.

Sorry, sometimes I start writing and then I black out for a while and just say stuff.

  • @[email protected]
    81 month ago

    Biscuits with blades are always a mixed bag. Love you cat, but oww!

    On a side note, I believe I have that same frog microfiber, I made mine into a gigantic blanket for my bed years ago.

    • @OldManBOMBINOP
      41 month ago

      Haha, that’s cool. This one was my son’s, and then my mom turned it into a throw pillow