Here’s the info:
FOUND - a friendly, gentle if a bit clumsy, very skinny young boy puppy/teen dog. We found him sitting outside our door like it was his house. He seems to think he is a lap dop. We’ve been trying to get him on a regular feeding schedule to get some meat back on his bones and have otherwise been spoiling him rotten.
He clearly has pitbull genetics, but his rear area is so boney that we think he might have great dane genetics too, as well as his paws are HUGE. We suspect that someone might have been looking after him before because he looked just a bit emaciated, but otherwise well kept (coat, claws, etc). He appears to have just a flea problem, but is also drinking a LOT of water, so we’re watching his tum for distension, and will be taking him to the vet to look for a chip and, if we can afford it now, get him looked over.
As of right now, he appears to be behaving like a typical adolescent dog; seems pretty happy and loving (like most pitties), does not appear to display physical or mental signs of fear or aggression, so we think he hasn’t been abused (hopefully)
We’re fostering him for a month or two, in case the actual owner(s) make contact, but in the event that this becomes his furever home, what should we name him?