It’s hilarious because it’s the default control style now, but I remember trying Perfect Dark with the “2.1” controller setup where you used the center stalk on two N64 controllers (giving you a joystick for each thumb) and how hard it was to use initially. So different than the C aiming on Goldeneye.
It’s hilarious because it’s the default control style now, but I remember trying Perfect Dark with the “2.1” controller setup where you used the center stalk on two N64 controllers (giving you a joystick for each thumb) and how hard it was to use initially. So different than the C aiming on Goldeneye.
I heard that there was a way to do this in GoldenEye too, but I had no idea back in the day.
Yes, plug a second controller into the N64 and switch the control style to Domino in the pause menu.