I’ve gone handwritten, obsidian, onenote, and now Trilium. Considering switching to something else because there is no offline mobile support.

I use memos and trilium together but since neither offers mobile offline support considering switching both. No reason to run two services when I could run one.


  • Joplin
  • Logseq
  • SiYuan
  • ?
  • @[email protected]
    41 month ago

    Vim to edit markdown files. I use syncthing to sync between phone and other devices. I edit using markor on android.

    I’ve tried other software, but usually discover that vim keybinds dont exist (even as a plugin) or opening as plain old markdown isnt available, so I give up and try the next one. I’ve finally accepted that for me, vim and markdown is my endgame note taking solution.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      It sounds like you’ve found something that works for you, but if you’re interested in trying other things obsidian stores and renders in plain markdown, and also has a vim mode