• @Lost_My_Mind
    41 month ago

    Holy shit…I haven’t seen you in forever! This is like when you live in a neighborhood so long that you begin to get to know the local residents. But not by name. Certainly not by interacting with them! What kind of masocist willingly talks to the people in THIS neighborhood???

    There’s the lady with dogs that are too big for her, and you wonder what the bed situation is like. Do all 5 dogs just pile onto her? Do they sleep in cages so she doesn’t sufficate?

    There’s the guy who’s one leg is like a foot longer than the other, but also his one arm is like a foot longer than the other. So he just sort of wobbles as he walks, and his arms just swing in the air. But one arm swings way higher then the other. And you’re always wondering…like, did he get involved in a car crash? Was he born like that? He’s friendly, but because of his condition it kinda looks like if a hunchback did a nazi salute whenever he waves hello.

    There’s the whiney lady. You hear her from AT LEAST 300 feet away. Her evtire voice, despite being 60+ years old, sounds like an entitled little kid whining that she didn’t get enough ice cream.

    Theres the fake hobo, who has novelty cardboard signs like “Will suck your dick 4 fun (tips accepted)” and “Beer beer beer beer. Your moms a hoe. Give me a dollar.” But then at the end of the day, he goes off into his BMW, and drives to (probably) Bay Village. Which if you can’t guess from context is the rich people suburb.

    Or the pirate who rides an adult tricycle everywhere, and pees in the street.

    You see these people daily and then one day you see them again and realize you haven’t seen that person for a few weeks. And you’re like “Tricycle pirate is back!!!” And you didn’t even realize he was gone, but now he’s back!

    And that’s what this is. The guy with the novelty account name is back! Or…I guess you could be a woman. I never thought about that. SatansMaggotyCumFart might be a woman. Huh. Well in any event, they’re back!