• very smart Idiot
    12 years ago

    Sister’s in the marine corps and so is her husband. They can take care of themselves.

    Against Russian agents with Nowitschock or North Koreans using poison as well? I doubt that.

    I’ll take your advice into consideration. Still, you have again reminded me why I don’t feel the burden of my duty too much. The existence of such organizations only hardens my resolve to flip the switch when the time comes.

    You are a troll. Cannot take you and your persona serious anymore. There is not a single soldier this irrational on this world.

    • wanderingmagus
      12 years ago

      A troll? Interesting. I’ll let my chief and division know. I’d invite you to visit NSB Kings Bay sometime, but you’d get denied at the front gate, let alone the marines at Checkpoint Charlie and the waterfront gate. And I’m a sailor, not a soldier. Soldiers are Army only.

      • very smart Idiot
        12 years ago

        You are stating the most patriotic and naive shit here. I get the impression that you are impersonating US military personnel to paint them in a bad light.

        And now this useless statement that I should visit some Kings Bay, but I’d probably not be let in - I do not understand what you are trying to tell me here? Here in Germany you wouldn’t get into some classes at university. Let alone the building. It’s usual practice that in some organisations, entry is restricted.

        • wanderingmagus
          02 years ago

          Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, Georgia, USA. Look it up on Wikipedia if you don’t know what that is.