• @[email protected]
    6012 hours ago

    “Fuck progress! Anything that even sounds like progressive must go! More lead! More drilling! Mandatory sulfur dioxide exhaust! Make America Acid Rain Again!”

    -Fucking greedy lunatics

    • @Stovetop
      2111 hours ago

      Seriously, though, there are so many people who sincerely believe things like “Back in my day we put lead in our gasoline and paint, and I’m still alive so why do we need regulation?”

      Anecdotes and belief are stronger than any fact you can show them. And the moment “the enemy” wants to do something about a problem, it’s no longer a problem. It becomes the opposite of a problem, it’s the solution, because the us-vs-them mentality is just too prevalent.

      • @[email protected]
        49 hours ago

        If my assessment is correct, Americans are going to have the best time. Lead is going to make the idiocracy real. I hope this helps. Bring back the idiocracy.