Canada cannot win a trade war with the US. When we are on our knees he’s going to ask for Yukon, nwt and nunavut. Saying basically nobody lives there and we don’t need it. He can easily buy out northern Canadians by offering lots of money or citizenship and the other 39 million Canadians will reluctantly agree it’s the best compromise.

He knows climate change is real and it makes the north more and more viable every day due to its resources and shipping route.

Another obvious hint at this was traitor Danielle Smith suggesting US military bases in the north just last week.

  • @idiomaddict
    71 month ago

    It’s a lot more dangerous for the US to nuke Canada than it was to nuke Japan. As for more conventional attacks, not only would a Guerilla war against people who know American culture so completely and in the Canadian landscape suck, but the Canadian military is, uh, not to be fucked with.

    The Canadians fought the Germans with a long, enduring, terrible, skilful patience

    -Philip Gibbs

    the troops that had the worst reputation for acts of violence against prisoners were the Canadians

    -Robert graves

    I don’t care for the English, Scotch, French, Australians or Belgians but damn you Canadians, you take no prisoners and you kill our wounded

    -unknown German colonel, as recalled by Canadian soldier Fred Hamilton


      • @idiomaddict
        1 month ago

        Over a hundred, in fact-it’s WWI. There have been plenty of more recent war crimes, but those are mostly related to cooperation with the US, so I left them out, lol.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      I prefer nuclear war between Russia and US, to Canadian guerilla war no matter how confident you are of Canadians.

      Trump/US complaining about “having to defend Canada” is purely and only because Canada lets US explain who our enemies are. Only actual enemy of Canada is the US as this weekend showed them to be.

      By not treating US’s enemies as Canada’s enemies, then Canada, through NORAD, is the one defending the US. Demanding the US to pay significantly for the privilege of Canada defending them is necessary from an enemy. Nuclear weapons are a cheap and effective way of saying “STFU asshole”, and a path to ending wars quickly. US economy/debt level is incapable of absorbing a single nuclear strike. Fucking around is an insufficient response to their fucking around.