In order is Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, German, Netherlands, UK, Canada, Belgium, France, US, Japan, Australia, with Norway so far ahead they have a different font color.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      It’s not only “free money”.

      It’s often money that needs to be paid back with interest. Development aid can be used to earn money.

      Many countries work together on a metro project in Peru. The money comes back with interest. The countries participating also like to see that their companies work on the project and earn money, too.

      China probably clapped after the Orange One ended many of those prjects. Those countries will depend on China instead of the USA, which is bad for the USA once again.

    • sunzu2
      11 month ago

      A lot of corruption in USAID contracting with domestic firms getting these contracts.

      Not sure how other states do it. But the grift is real.