I usually assume when Europeans complain about American beers, they just are complaining about our “domestic” beers like Bud Light, Coors, PBR, etc. which makes sense, they are our bottom shelf beers.
I recently chatted with someone at a party who said “no, all American beers are bad” including microbrewery beers.
I’ve never been to Europe so I wouldn’t know, but I do like my Left Handed Milk Stout, NWPAs, and hell even the hipstered out IPAs.
Are these what y’all are referencing?
Yes, I’ve been to quite some micro breweries in the US and most of just taste so flat. It kinda seems like all money went to creating a nice looking brewery and barely anything is invested in the craftsmanship.
The best beer I had in the US is from Ommegang Brewery, they make amazing stuff. I’ve had other good stuff too, it’s definitely there, it just seems there’s a load of commercial “microbreweries” that are just selling a story instead of decent beer
Brewing is an art, and the market is saturated with micro breweries run by people with too much money and not enough actual skill or good taste, they’re fads like boba places now where I live, micro breweries all over the place serving crap
Ommegang is the shit. Heavy beer though.