Black farmers in the US have a particular history, what with chattel slavery and independent black farmers in particular being targeted for hostile takeovers and anti-competitive behavior from racists running big AG conglomerates in ways that other ethnic and cultural groups in the US have not faced.
So no asian farms, no spanish farms, no middle eastern farms?
Why just black farms? Doesn’t this lend itself to the trope of black people being farmhands?
Black farmers in the US have a particular history, what with chattel slavery and independent black farmers in particular being targeted for hostile takeovers and anti-competitive behavior from racists running big AG conglomerates in ways that other ethnic and cultural groups in the US have not faced.
We must stay divided or we might notice that we’re losing the class war.
Owning a farm is not in any way the same as being farmhands.
There ya go, you can make a site for each of those. Use promo code ImATroll for 0% off.