Citing an urgency to protect students’ civil rights in a second Trump administration, Illinois lawmakers filed a new bill Monday that would explicitly prevent school police from ticketing and fining students for misbehavior.

The legislation for the first time also would require districts to track police activity at schools and disclose it to the state — data collection made more pressing as federal authorities have signaled they will deemphasize their role in civil rights enforcement.

A 2022 ProPublica and Chicago Tribune investigation, “The Price Kids Pay,” found that even though Illinois law bans school officials from fining students directly, districts skirt the law by calling on police to issue citations for violating local ordinances. It also found that Black students were twice as likely to be ticketed at school than their white peers.

  • @RattlerSix
    91 month ago

    What a horrific practice. It should be ended with our without Trump. The schools are calling cops to issue tickets and fines to kids for misbehaving in school. In 2019 they ticketed 6 Latino students, 5 white students and 167 black or multiracial students. JFC

    • @[email protected]OPM
      61 month ago

      The “no safe sanctuaries” order also tells me they’re going to start checking immigration status.