• @febra
    4316 hours ago

    “School shooting”

    “No terrorist intent”

    Oh, so the terrorist is white…

    • @teslasaurOP
      3516 hours ago

      What does skin color have to with it being classified as terror crime or not? This isn’t America.

      This is verbatim what the police press officer said

      Det finns nu inga misstankar om att det handlar om ett terrorbrott, och polisen tror att mannen har agerat på egen hand, även om man inte utesluter fler med koppling till dådet, säger Roberto Eid Forest.

      • thisisbutaname
        3516 hours ago

        Well, maybe hate crime.

        I understand not jumping to conclusions, but a white man shooting up a school for immigrants kinda sounds like a duck

        • @Scott_of_the_Arctic
          24 hours ago

          I’m white and went to a school like that to get my missing qualifications for university admission. University admission is based on having certain grades in certain classes. So if you want to study something that you didn’t take the classes for in high school, then you need to take them as an adult. I for example had to take a mathematics class. There were about 50/50 Europeans/non Europeans at the school I went to.

        • @teslasaurOP
          6 hours ago

          While it definitely appears to be a hate crime, i just cant emphasize how different racial relationships are in Sweden compared to USA.

          We didn’t have a constitution that said people are free, whilst justifying slaves by saying they weren’t human, since they were “black”

          What we have are cultures that completely clash in modern times due to many, many reasons.

          Hate crime, likely, but we don’t know. Because Swedish authorities doesn’t publicize such info out of concerns of privacy for potentially innocent adjacent.

          Grotesquely enough one tabloid called the suspects father and started asking “why he did it”. He hadn’t even heard of the crime on the news yet. Its fucking disgusting what they did.

          Terrorism, not likely. And saying anything else while the bodies were still warm would have been basis for dismissal as press officer.

          • @[email protected]
            1413 hours ago

            Grotuesquely enough one tabloid called the suspects father and started asking “why he did it”. He hadn’t even heard of the crime on the news yet.

            Jesus christ, imagine finding out your son is the perpetuator of a horrific shooting and is dead from a tabloid reporter. I have way more sympathy for the families of the actual victims but it’s still awful for the father.

            • @Scott_of_the_Arctic
              34 hours ago

              I knew a guy who died in a car wreck in northern Norway and the picture of the wreck was up on the front page of the paper before his mother was notified. She found out by opening the website and seeing her sons car.

          • @WHARRGARBL
            2415 hours ago

            Thank you for providing context for Sweden, where this happened, for the fuckers who think USA is global.

            • @frigidaphelion
              1313 hours ago

              Hey some of us americans arent fucking at all so I resent this statement

            • thisisbutaname
              1514 hours ago

              For context, I’m from Italy. I’m just worried about the kind of violence directed specifically towards anyone “different”, whether it’s about skin color, place of origin or anything else

        • @[email protected]
          29 hours ago

          I think that’s the point. A bit of a reality check for those people who believe they know how things work in other countries based on their very superficial POV, despite failing at the basics.

          • @Scott_of_the_Arctic
            23 hours ago

            If they’re failing at the basics, maybe they should go to komvux.

      • @psmgx
        -115 hours ago

        Propaganda machine go brrrrrrrrrr

        • @Scott_of_the_Arctic
          23 hours ago

          Are you from Sweden? Everyone from Scandinavia is aware that race relations are not great (especially in Sweden). But information on race and cultural background are genuinely not collected. This is because they’re trying desperately not to cause divisions in society (it doesn’t work because everyone jumps to conclusions anyway).

          Furthermore skin colour actually has very little to do with shooters being classified as terrorists in Scandinavia because Norway’s worst terrorist (and not a single fucking person here would classify him as anything else) was very white, very Norwegian and very proud of that fact.

          In fact until 2001 most if the terrorist groups people were familiar with in Europe were white national separatist groups like the IRA and ETA. They were classified as terrorist groups because

          1: they are a group

          and most importantly

          2: they commit acts of terror.