I’ve noticed both medical dramas and police dramas rely heavily on Californian legal practice, because Hollywood. For example, I just watched the episode of Doc (it’s literally just called Doc) where a doctor saved someone on the “DNR list” and almost got suspended, and so here I was thinking “the patient’s perspective would never fly in my environment”. Of course, though, the US (and definitely California) are not the whole world. So I was wondering, what’s an episode of a medical/police drama you could think of where, in your legal environment, the characters would seem crazy for diving into the topic of how they did?
Well in my country an episode could be a woman in recovery in a ward after being sexually assaulted. It comes out that the accused is well known, rich and powerful. The accused tries to subdue accusations with hush money. They find proof. A trial happens. The accused is found guilty. They get to sentencing and the accused is elected president of the United States and the court declares there isn’t a point in proceeding as the rapist can just pardon themselves.
That’s not legal culture shock, that’s just the same law playing out in different ways (we don’t even know what happened). What episode are you even thinking of? I only remember this happening once in a show (and it played out rather stereotypically), not sure if the same thing was in mind.