• @Allonzee
    1 month ago

    Neoliberal good cop/fascist bad cop was always a race to the bottom. This was inevitable so long as we fail to cut the capitalists down to size, and both parties are paid to defend their con game from us by stoking social issue division to stop the peasants from looking up at the oligarchs, our common enemies whether you’ve been brainwashed into worshipping them or not.

    I voted for Harris out of attempted harm reduction as I do like clockwork for the lesser evil, but voting Neoliberal only slowed the sinking, it was never going to make things better, just worse a little slower as the Neoliberals kept meeting their opposition in the new middle every cycle to keep up with the market’s demands for new, crueler ways to privately profit off human misery both parties are paid to defend and expand. A vote for continued quiet capitalist slaughter over loud, bragging capitalist slaughter. Not peace. Under Harris, healthcare rackets would still be murdering Americans legally, homeless Americans would still be dying in droves literally as a point to keep the laborers fearful as it would be cheaper to house them then deal with the fallout of them being homeless, etc.

    But by all means keep the focus of your ire on the people who had nothing to vote for, only against for the last half century. You’re basically attacking the silent cowards in 1930 Germany and not the Nazis.

    There are only 2 ways this ends, either the Mario’s brother method, or capitalist enforced climate change will collapse the capitalist’s con game and human civilization for us if humanity is too chickenshit to depose the economic metastasis, growth or and die capitalist cult and embrace economic equilibrium with environmental homeostasis. The parties are captured. No amount of voting will fix this. Reagan and Kemp saw to that when they captured their opposition. The last vote Americans had on the shape and priorities of our inhuman economy was in 1980, we only get a vote on how to address the social wedge symptoms of it, and only if addressing those symptoms won’t meaningfully effect quarterly earnings expectations.

    Whether it was Trump in 2020, this, or one of his mutant children in another 4 years, our tolerance and worship of greed was going to lead to this. Maga, Trump’s rise as more than a gameshow host con-man, and imperialism are symptoms of our avarice rot induced collapse, not the causes. The cause are the capital markets being allowed to infect our politics and override any societal values we ever had prior to other than metastasize at all human cost.

    • @HasturInYellow
      91 month ago

      Fully agree. There are exactly two options for people at this point: fully capitulate and gargle fascist balls (this hastens world death), or kill fascist scum at every opportunity (this may slow world death if done with enough gusto)