That’s quitter talk, I’ll have you know that our fair Emperor is no dictator, but a rightful magistrate appointed by the Senate and People of Rome! Now, are you going to sign away the next 20 years of your life digging ditches to bring civilization to distant lands, or are you some kind of barbarian, or worse, a Gr*ekoid philosopher?
I’l take eating good and healthy food everyday over being forced to fight for a dictatorial empire tbh
That’s quitter talk, I’ll have you know that our fair Emperor is no dictator, but a rightful magistrate appointed by the Senate and People of Rome! Now, are you going to sign away the next 20 years of your life digging ditches to bring civilization to distant lands, or are you some kind of barbarian, or worse, a Gr*ekoid philosopher?
How many emperors do I get to overthrow in those 20 years?
An army marches on its stomach.
Curiously, for all their complaints it seems the Roman Army – unlike other armies – never seemed to complain about poor food.
Besides, why wouldn’t you want to serve your Senate and People?